
Hello all!

Thank you to all who came to watch the children’s assembly today. They were very excited to show you their learning. Congratulations Year 3 – it was lovely to see every child in our class stand up and confidently speak to their audience, you should be very proud of yourselves.

Swimming – The children have begun their swimming lessons which will take place each Wednesday. Please send your child in with either a swimming costume or shorts – no bikinis, please. Also, if you wish for your child to wear goggles please write a note to Mr Mills explaining this. (If the children come in wearing their swimming things under their uniform, please pack spare underwear for when they get changed after their swimming lesson).

Oliver (the dog) exploring our local area – Oliver the teddy will be coming home with the children to explore their local area as this is our current geography topic. Please do not feel you have to go to great and exciting places. it is just to see somewhere local – fields, a bus stop, train station, supermarket, shop, etc. The children will bring home a sheet to complete. 

Next week
Maths – This week we have been building arrays to help us solve multiplication calculations. We will be continuing looking at multiplication of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Then we will be moving onto division facts.

English – We will be continuing our topic of explanation texts. We will be writing an explanation text around quiz shows or game shows. For example, this week we have been looking at Pointless and explanation texts around how you play that. Please encourage children to watch (age-appropriate) game shows and discuss how it is played (the aim of the game/ different rounds explained etc). [Who wants to be a Millionaire? Is a simple show to discuss and understand the different rules and rounds, so may be a good start].

Science – We will be continuing our light topic and we will be looking at and exploring mirrors and how they reflect light.

Geography – We will continue our research of our local area.

PSHE- The children are designing products in PSHE to ‘sell’ at a ‘fete’. (This fate is not real- the children know this). They are designing products for their garden of ‘hopes and dreams’. Some children have said they will be bringing in some things/equipment from home - if they cannot use what they have suggested please let me know as soon as possible.


I hope you have a good weekend.

Miss Davis

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