
If we play any games in class or I find any that may be interesting or useful I will put them on this page.


Topmarks - this is a great website with lots of exciting games that will help you to get better at your maths topics
  • This loop card game is great for practicing addition - lots of different choices, see how much they challenge themselves!
Woodlands Junior - another good website with lots of interactive games.
  • This number bond game will help with confidence in addition.
Nrich - This website isn't as interactive but has some great puzzles, games and problems to try at home. There are also live challenges that allow children to send in their own results that the website then often publishes.
  • This triangle problem is great for getting children used to the idea of 'trial and error'. Finding the answer isn't always the most important thing in maths!

Woodlands Junior - this website has lots of ideas and activities to help with both sentence and text level English work.
  • This punctuation activity is great for getting children to correct work in order to understand why they need to use punctuation 


There are some fun activities on Woodlands junior about healthy eating.

Teeth and healthy eating game

There are lots more games on each of these websites - please don't feel that you need to stick to the topics we are doing in school - if you find something you are interested in then please find out more about it! 

If your find any more games that you have enjoyed then please let me know so that I can put them on here!

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