Hello all!
I hope you all had a well-rested
half term break.
Home learning: I did set an ‘extreme reading’ task for over the
half term. Thank you to the children who completed this. There will be a whole
class display made from these and I would hate for a child to miss out on being
part of that. If you could bring in the picture of the extreme reading next
week that would be great. Thank you.
This week
Maths - Doubling and halving
numbers up to 100 using partitioning; understanding fractions and fractions of
English – During English this week
we have been reading and working from Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr Fox. The
children have really enjoyed reading this story so far and produced some great
pieces of work so far.
RE – We explored what we already
knew about Christianity, had a class discussion about different aspects of Christianity
and noted our ideas.
History – Introduced the definition
and timescale of human prehistory.
Art- Introduction to sketching. As
a class we completed some 'blind sketching' tasks.
PSHE – Families: everyone’s family
is different and important.
MFL – Spanish counting.
ICT – Using the internet.
Next week
Maths - Use money to add and
subtract and record using the correct notation and place value; add and
subtract 2-digit numbers using partitioning; add three 2-digit numbers by
partitioning and recombining.
English - Continuation of Roald
Dahl’s Fantastic Mr Fox.
Science – Forces. Movement and
RE - Logos and symbols. Symbols
expressing meaning beyond words.
History – To find out about early
humans and the Palaeolithic period.
Art- Cezanne. Who was Paul Cezanne?
PSHE – Family conflict – understand
differences and conflict sometimes may happen.
ICT – To search using a search
engine and transfer data onto a word document.
NOTE: Next week we will be watching clips from the film, Fantastic
Mr Fox. This film has been classified
as a PG. Should you wish your child to not watch these clips or if you have any concerns please contact
Miss Davis before Monday 12th November.
Sharing Assembly
The Sharing Assembly that was
scheduled to take place on October 22nd will now take place on November 12th.
If your child is taking part they will be bringing home a letter to inform you.
Anti-Bullying Week
Next week is Anti – Bullying Week.
We think this is an important topic to cover with the children and we have
already covered aspects of it during our ‘Celebrating Differences’ week. The
theme for this year is to choose respect over bullying.
For the first day of anti-bullying
week, which is November 12th, we would like the children to wear odd socks to
school for ‘Odd Socks Day’ which the
anti- bullying alliance like to hold to help the children remember the
importance of not bullying.
Children in Need
Friday we are celebrating Children in Need as a school. The
children are invited to bring in their favourite teddy (or stuffed toy) as well
as coming into school in non-uniform. A minimum of a £1 donation is required.
CAKE SALE Friday 16th November. All money raised at this
event will be sent to the ‘Children in Need’ appeal. If you could please, bring
your cakes, bakes & biscuits to school on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th
November for our GIANT PUDSEY CAKE SALE in the school hall after school.
Statutory word list)
Hope you have a good weekend and I
hope you see you all at our fireworks evening!
Miss Davis