Week ending 17th January 2025
Hello Year Three, This week we have completed the multiplication and division block in our maths programme. The times tables are progressing rapidly! TT Rockstars has helped significantly. We have continued our work from The Tear Thief as the children have written a diary entry in the past tense, extracted figurative language from the text and used adjectives and similes to describe tears. We have been exploring the physical features of Antarctica. The children are enjoying finding out about this area with extreme weather conditions. The children have been thinking about the nutritional value of food. They will be designing and making sandwiches soon for our D and T project. For RE we investigated the role of a vicar and compared it to Mr Gradwell's role as Head Teacher. Today the children began to design a garden for people who face challenges, such as the visually impaired or children who don't have green space around them. This is part of a project for PHSE. NEXT WE...