Week ending 8th November 2024

 Hello Year Three,

We have had a great first week back at school. We became archaeologists for the day and examined objects from many years ago. We had to research and discover many aspects of the objects to help us work out what we thought they may have been.

For maths we continue to work on addition and subtraction, number bonds to twenty and times tables.

The children are thrilled to have begun reading The BFG by Roald Dahl. We use this story for our English lessons. This week they wrote poems about 'The Witching Hour!'

We had a special (Spanish speaking) guest visit us this week and the children enjoyed learning to write and say the names of different animals in Spanish.

Our science project is 'Forces and Magnets' and we learned about pushing and pulling this week. We discussed gravity. 


I have sent instructions home on accessing TT Rockstars. Some children still seemed confused about the process, so you should find a note with instructions in their bags.

They are all making good progress with their tables. I encourage you to continue and use the programme plus any other techniques you have found helpful.

We are continuing to learn addition and subtraction using an exchange.


Next week we will be using new proper nouns as we will be creating a poster for 'wanted giant.'

We will identify and create similes to support creative writing and incorporate a set of cohesive demands in our writing.


We are working with a new spelling programme. There will be two sets of spellings. One group will be called 'The BFGs,' and the other 'Rainbows.' The children know which group they are in.

The BFGs





















The children will be investigating the effects of friction on different surfaces.


We will be making flip book animations in preparation for our project on making an animated film.


We are currently learning about Prehistoric Britain, but next Tuesday we will be on our school visit to The Hindu Temple so will miss our history lesson.


We will explore Hinduism as we spend the day visiting a Hindu Temple. Later in the year we will be looking at Advent and going to church to learn about and make Christingles.


This half term we will be celebrating difference. Next week it is Anti-Bullying Week, so we will be exploring that aspect of social behaviour.

Visit To Watford's Temple

The children are very excited for this visit. 

We will leave school at 9am and return by 3pm. 

The children will need to wear school uniform, warm coats and sensible footwear. We will be on a farm and walking across fields so wellington boots or trainers would be good choices. They will need to wear coats.

You will have received information regarding the food. May I remind you that unless your child has an allergy and it has been agreed with a member of staff the children must not bring their own food into the temple.

There is a gift shop on the site and we have set a £5.00 limit on the amount the children can bring. 

You will find out about our adventures at our class assembly on Friday 22nd November as I am sure the children will want to share their photos and stories with you.

If you have any questions about the visit please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Ms Davis

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