
Good afternoon all!

It was so lovely to see so many of you at the school fireworks display. It really was a phenomenal display – lots of ‘oooooh’ and ‘aaahhhh’!

I would like to add that the children have come back from their week off with a fantastic attitude. They are all trying exceptionally hard in class – well done Year 3, keep up the good work!

Extreme reading
I have started our extreme reading library display so thank you to those who have brought in or sent their pictures to me. This is an optional task but it would be a shame for children to miss out on creating a display. If you cannot print the image feel free to email it to me and I will print it when I can. ndavis@littleheath.herts.sch.uk


Next week

Maths – We will finish our mental subtraction strategies and then move onto looking at using inverse.

English – We will continue our topic of report writing. If you can encourage the children to read newspapers and watch the news and talk about the features in a report.

Science - The children will look at comparing how things move on different surfaces.

History - We aim to find out about early humans and the Palaeolithic period during the Stone Age.

RE- We will be looking at the 5 pillars of Islam and what they mean to Muslims.

D&T- The children will be learning how to sew.

Art – The children will be working with Mrs Burgess to create Stone Age art.

Tuesday is Odd Sock Day to raise awareness for antibullying. Please let the children come to school in some funky combination.

Friday is CRAZY hair day for Children in Need. The children can also come in non-uniform. The children should bring in a donation of at least £1. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. 

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