
Hell-ho-ho-ho to you all!

Wow- almost the end of a term. That’s a third of a way through Year 3. This has been a very long term and the children have managed to keep up their hard work and determination, so well done Year 3! I have noticed that the children have become a lot more independent since the beginning of the academic year and it is so lovely to see them grow day by day.

It was so nice to see so many of you at the open afternoon celebrating your children’s learning and achievements. If you were unable to attend I am more than happy to arrange another time for you to view your children’s books, email me and we will arrange a suitable time.

Next week

For our final week we will remain on timetable with some Christmassy bits sprinkled in between. On Friday we will have our annual pantomime and school will finish at 2pm.

The Carol Concert is taking place on Monday evening at 19:00. I really do encourage that all children are in attendance. All children need to be in school uniform – if children want to wear Christmas headwear this is allowed. Those children who are reading something, if you could practice over the weekend that would be great!

D-I-S-C-O! Attention all – it is the biggest event on the KS2 social calendar - the KS2 Christmas party next Thursday afternoon. The children can bring their own clothes to change into to feel more comfortable when busting a move. 

Please could you all to return all library books by Monday.

Over Christmas, there is no spelling test to revise for. If you could focus on learning the Y3/4 statutory word list (can be found on Y3 blog pages) and ‘high frequency words’ with the children that would help with their progression within their writing.



PE January onwards
The children will now be going swimming in January. This is starting up in the second week back for the children. NEW PE TIMETABLE (January 2020):
Monday – 13:15 – 13:45 – Indoor PE (trainers)
Wednesday - 11:00-12:00 – Swimming
Friday – 14:15 – 15:15 – Football

Have a great weekend! Only one week to go. 

Miss N Davis

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