Hello all!
Another great week in Year 3. We had an excellent day on Thursday as we were lucky enough to have a talk from a motor sports engineer, Georgia - she was very inspiring. All children in KS2 took part and really enjoyed learning about motor sports and what it is like to be a motor sport engineer. Next week I have organsied for us to have another talk from someone who works with electric vehicles.
Today we had to unfortunately say goodbye to Miss Ibrahim's (student teacher). I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her efforts and wish her good luck for the rest of her teacher training.
Maths Home Learning
Today I have given the children their log-in details for TT Rockstars. This is a website that allows children to practice their times tables. Please use this website for their maths home learning. Alongside TT rockstars there is also a website called Numbots which allows children to understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.
Links to the website are below.
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)
Monday - 30 mins (trainers only)
Wednesday - 1hr (full PE kit)
Thursday - 1hr (full PE kit)
Next week
Maths - We will be multiplying numbers by 10.
English - We will be continuing our work with our book How To Live Forever. The children have really enjoyed the book so far and I look forward to writing a setting description with them next week.
Science - In science this week we will be testing soil permeability.
Geography - To be able to identify settlements and reasons for their original siting.
ICT - We will be continuing drawing graphs on Word.
RE - We will be writing a diary entry based on the Christian story of Pentecost.
Art - Our focus artist is Paul Cezanne. We will now be looking at still life drawing, taking inspiration from Cezanne.
Test (17th May)
I hope you all have a restful weekend.
Miss N Davis