08/09/2023 *Revised*

Hello all, 

It has been a really nice to have a full week of learning with the children. We have enjoyed starting our maths place value topic and writing haikus in English. 

Spellings will start next week; The children will be tested each Monday. Reading books will be sent home on Tuesday.

Our parents' consultation week is in mid October so I look forward to meeting you all properly then. 


Please indicate if you would like your child to attend PGL via your Arbor portal. If we have enough interest we will run the trip. The trip will take place on 25th April 2024.  

PE timetable

Monday (30 minutes - trainers only)

Wednesday [Football] (1 hour - full kit)

Thursday (1 hour - full kit)

On Wednesdays the children will be playing football during their last lesson. The children are also encouraged to wear warm clothes (no scarf) when the weather changes as Mr Mills will take them out in all weathers. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Next Week 

Maths - Represent numbers to 1,000, partition numbers to 1,000 and, counting on and back in 1, 10 and 100. 

English - We will start our topic on fables. 

Science - We will start our animals including humans topic. 

RE - An introduction to Christianity and Islam.

Geography - How is the Earth constructed?

PSHE - Try to make our school community a better place

Spanish - An introduction to Spanish. 

Please could you take a photo of your child reading in an extreme (or at least VERY unusual) place or way. If you could email these to me, I can create a display of these. 

I hope you all have a great weekend! 

Miss N Davis 

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