
Good afternoon everyone :) 

Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful break. Thank you all so much for your generous Christmas gift; I really appreciated it. 

I am teaching the children how to code using Scratch. If they would like to do this at home here is the link to the website. https://scratch.mit.edu/

Please allow the children to go on BBC Dance Mat (Typing) to increase their tying speed and being to type with two hands.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr 

Don’t forget that if you wish to enter the competition to name our reading tree in the KS2 library, you need to give your class teacher a piece of paper with your name and class written on it and the name that you would like to give the tree, by next Friday at the latest.

Half Termly Project - Design a game (Due in w/c 12th February )

(Science and D&T) 

I would like you to design and create a game. The game may include the one or all topics we have covered in science so far (animals including humans, forces and magnets, and light). You may want it to be a board game, a quiz show, you could create an online game, a card game - please be as creative as you want to be!

Next Week 

Maths - Multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. 

English - The Finger Eater by Dick King Smith.   

Science - Reflective surfaces.

RE - What happens in places of worship? 

Geography - To describe the location and physical features of Antarctica.  

Spanish - What is in your pencilcase? 

Computing - Programming sprites on Scratch. 


This week everyone will have the same spellings. Test on 15th January. 

These will not be tested in order so they need to know the correct definition for each spelling. 

1. brake 

2. break 

3. grate 

4. great 

5. eight 

6. ate 

7. weight 

8. wait 

9. son

10. sun

Have a great weekend! 

Miss N Davis 


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