Another busy
week of learning, the children are really settling into their routines now.
A great transition from year 2 to 3 so far.
English – We
have all become Oscar-worthy actors this week with our new knowledge on script
writing and performing. The children are able to use body language, facial
expressions and voice to portray a character. We have also written scripts as a
class and next week we will be moving onto writing our own scripts.
Maths – We
have been looking at multiplication and division facts for the 5, 10, 2, 4 and
3 times-tables. At times we have made this very visual by using arrays to solve
these calculations. We then moved on doubling and halving 2-digit numbers and
were able to demonstrate how we got to our answers.
Science –
This week in science we were looking at muscles and how they work to move our
bodies. The children now know facts about our muscles, can identify muscles and
explain how muscles work in tandem.
Does not – Doesn’t I am – I’m
Cannot – Can’t Has not – Hasn’t
Will not – Won’t Would have – would’ve
Do not – Don’t Could have – Could’ve
I have – I’ve
I have – I’ve
week’s focus
English –
Continuing script writing and performing a play.
Maths – Know
and understand the calendar, including days, weeks, months, years; tell the
time to the nearest 5 minutes on analogue and digital clocks; know the
properties of 3D shapes. [Any pre-learning with the children will
help this week’s maths, time is quite an abstract concept].
Education – Islamic festivals and celebrations (continuation).
Geography – Locating
major capital cities of the world.
D&T- Designing
greeting cards (researching different pop up cards).
Science – Balanced
PSHE – Rewards
and consequences.
Spanish – Greetings
and counting (continued).
Book Fayre
Book Fayre
will be continuing after school on Monday and Tuesday in the dining hall. Hope
to see you there!
Harvest Festival
as the hall is still out of use there will be no harvest festival this Friday.
What we are doing this year is donating food to a local charity. This is such a
great cause and I hope that if you can, you will join me in donating food. [The
children may bring in food throughout the week and we will start a Y3
School Photographs
Smile! Next
Monday will be individual (and family group) photographs. Winter uniform is
preferred but not essential.
Have a
wonderful weekend!
Miss N Davis