
Hello all,

I have been out of class quite a bit this week on different courses but the children were well looked after by our support staff who reported back that the children were very well behaved.

Tuesday 27th November at 19:00 there will be a meeting for you all to attend with a maths consultant from Herts for Learning. The meeting will be about our new maths syllabus and our approach to teaching maths. I really encourage you all to attend. I hope to see you all there!

Again, if it at all possible, could you spend some time with your child showing them how to undo/do their top button and to tie their shoe laces and tie etc. This does interfere with the children’s learning time so let’s master this now so the children can get the maximum from a school day.

This Week

Maths- Add and subtract 2-digit numbers using partitioning; add three 2-digit numbers by partitioning and recombining.

English – We have now sadly finished Fantastic Mr Fox, we ended our module by watching some of the film and comparing it to the book. Some excellent levels of discussion were had and the children clearly loved the story. We have now started our recount topic.

Science – What are magnets? The children had great fun playing with magnets this week exploring the different poles of a magnet.

Next Week

Maths - Choose an appropriate instrument to measure a length and use a ruler to estimate, measure and draw to the nearest centimetre; know 1 litre = 1000 ml; estimate and measure capacity in millilitres; place 2- and 3-digit numbers on a number line; round 3-digit numbers to nearest 100.

English - We will be continuing our recount topic. During this topic we will be looking at news articles and watching news reports. If you could encourage the children to watch/read age appropriate reports at home that would support and consolidate their learning. During this module we will be looking at what makes a report. (Opening paragraph: who/what/when/where, time conjunctions, past tense, powerful verbs, fact and opinion and conclusions).

Science- Magnets. Identifying magnetic and non-magnetic material.


I hope you have a great weekend.

Miss N Davis

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