07/01/2019 - Happy New Year!

Hello all! 

Happy New Year! 

I do hope you all had a wonderful break full of relaxation and celebrations. I am looking forward to seeing the children on Wednesday and I'm sure they are all eager to return to school!

Half Term Topics

Science - Within science we will be exploring light. Within this topic the children will be able to: recognise that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light; notice that light is reflected from surfaces; recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes; recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object; find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.

ICT- Within ICT we will be creating and publishing using computers and technology. The children will learn how to touch type, gather information from searching using the internet and they will explore and learn how to use PowerPoint and present with the information gathered from the internet.

Geography ā€“ Within Geography we will be exploring our local area. We will be looking at Potters Bar in relation to the world and I am hoping we will be able to explore the local area and write up an observation report of local area explored.

Art- Within art we will be exploring Paul Cezanne, we did start this last term and will be continuing to explore his work, techniques and will be recreating some of his paintings.

PE - The children will now be going swimming. This is starting up in the second week back for the children. NEW PE TIMETABLE
Wednesday 11:00-12:00 ā€“ Swimming (Starting 16/01/2019)
Thursday 14:15-15:15 ā€“ Football
Friday 10:10-10:40 ā€“ Indoor PE 

Music- This termā€™s topic is called ā€˜the class orchestraā€™. The children will be exploring arrangements within music.

RE- We will continue exploring beliefs and belonging within Islam and Christianity. We will look at Christian festivals, Muslim festivals, symbols in Christianity, symbols in Islam and looking at the 5 Pillars of Islam and 10 Commandments.

PSHE- Within PSHE we will be looking at dreams and goals as well as discussing philosophical questions.

Dates for the diary
Back to school 09/01/19
Year 3 assembly 25/01/19
Sharing assembly (group 3) 11/02/19
Open afternoon 13/02/19
Valentineā€™s disco 14/02/19
Last day of half term 15/02/19

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Miss N Davis

(Enjoy looking at the Year 3 festive photos)

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