
Hello all!

The penultimate blog post. How the time has flown by and we have had a fantastic week full of learning as well as fun STEM challenges such as, building a straw tower, making & playing with a Non-Newtonian liquid and creating a paper sieve. It has been a lovely full week with the children.

On Monday it is the famous staff vs Y6 rounders and the children and I will also be showing Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone [Rated PG] as we would have (hopefully) read the entire book. If you have any questions or wish for your child not to watch the film, please contact me as soon as possible.

The last day of school is Tuesday 23rd July and the children will need to be collected at 2pm. You should collect the children from the KS2 playground where we will say goodbye to the Y6 in the Leavers Parade.

School will begin again on Tuesday 3rd September.

Please return all school books by Monday, if you haven’t done so already.

Please ensure that over the summer the children continue to read, go on mathletics and practice their times tables. It may be an idea to ensure your child can secure skills such as telling the time, tying their shoe laces and other skills like this over the summer. I have also attached the link for the science museum’s summer listing https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/science-museum-summer?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4e6n6o-84wIVVODtCh2XEwpCEAAYASAAEgI3LfD_BwE The children had such fun when we went to the Wonder Lab I’m sure they would enjoy a trip to explore other areas of the museum. (Bonus- entrance to the museum is free).

Finally, I would like to take this time to thank the support staff in Year 3. They have worked hard all year round to support the learning and progress of the children. Thank you for your continued support and dedication.

Have a great weekend and I look forward to see you all next week.

Miss Davis 😁

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