
Good afternoon all!

I cannot believe it is Friday already - The children had a great week full of learning and they all looked very smart today for their class photos!

It is so great to see so many of the children at the book fair this week and I hope to see you there next Monday and Tuesday also.

I have sent home a Poetry Monsters task from Young Writers. I know the children do like to take part in this and have the chance to be published in a book. I will be collecting these in on Thursday October 24th. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCAPScHF7uI

Next Week
Maths – Once we have finished estimation, magnitude and rounding we will move onto measuring where pupils will continue to build their knowledge of estimate, reading scales and comparing and ordering.

English – We are continuing our topic on scriptwriting with the hope the children would’ve written a scene of their own next week. On Tuesday morning we will also have an acting workshop.

Science – Now we know all about skeletons we will now be looking at muscles and movement.

ICT – In ICT we will be looking at how to search for something on the internet.

Geography – Our aim in geography will be to be able to locate major capital cities in the world.

D&T – Now we know how to sew and join fabrics together we will now design our own pencil cases.

Art- The children are still creating their Stone Age art with Mrs Burgess.

RE- Christian place of worship.

PE timetable

Monday PM (30 minutes - trainers only)

Thursday AM (1 hour - full kit)

Friday PM (1 hour - full kit) [Football. Separate kit to the previous day. This will get muddy – please send the children in warmer kits as the weather worsens].



I hope you have a great weekend.

N Davis

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