

Hello all!


We have had a good week and the children are starting to get back into their routines. The children enjoyed our ‘take one picture’ week – they have produced wonderful pieces of art and research on the painting, as well as some Tahitian dancing. 



No spellings will be sent home this week. Spellings will be sent home the next week. The spelling test will be on Monday afternoons. The children will have the opportunity to practise their spellings during morning work, however, if you could also support children with learning their spellings this will allow the children to really consolidate their learning.

We are currently in the process of reviewing our reading scheme in year 3 to make it similar to the system that was used in Year 2. During this week and next the children are being assessed in their reading. This is why the children have not been sent home with reading books yet. Hopefully this will be up and running by next week. Until then, please ensure the children are all reading at home still.


Next week

English – We will start out topic on fables.

Maths – We will be finding fractions in shapes.

Science – We will start our aimals including humans topic. We will look at nutrition and food groups.

Geography – The continent of the world.

RE - What is religion? 

PSHE - I am special and you are special

Spanish- An introduction to Spain. 

Art- What is art?

 PE timetable

Monday (30 minutes - trainers only)

Wednesday (1 hour - full kit)

Thursday (1 hour - full kit)


This half term

 RE – Our focus this year will be on both Islam and Christianity. During our first term we will be looking at beliefs and practices within these religions.

Geography – We will be learning about countries of the World and locating countries on a map.

D&T- (Textiles) In design and technology we will be focusing on how to join materials together and the children will design and make a product.

 ICT – In ICT we will be looking at using technology. Within this we will explore e-safety and how to be safe when on a computer as well as develop typing skills and using documents such as Word.

Art – In art we will be looking at Stone Age art.

Science – Our first topic in science is animals including humans. The children will learn about skeletons, muscles, diets and organs. PSHE- Being me in my world.

Spanish – Introduction and greetings.

English- During the first half term we will look at fables, writing and performing a play, instruction writing and our poetry style will be limericks.

Maths – In maths during this half term we will be covering fractions – halves, quarters and thirds, in amounts and shapes. Time- telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes. Problem solving.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 

I hope you enjoy your weekend! 

Miss N Davis


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