
Happy Friday! 

I hope you all enjoyed our Coronation event in school today, the dance was excellent.  It was lovely to see so many of you there. Well done Year 3! 


The children have their swimming lessons each Wednesday. Please send your child in with either a swimming costume or shorts – no bikinis, please.  (If the children come in wearing their swimming things under their uniform, please pack spare underwear for when they get changed after their swimming lesson).

NEW PE Timetable 

Please provide children with a PE kit on Thursday. This is no longer a football session. 

Monday (30 mins) 1:15pm

Wednesday (swimming) 11am-12pm

Thursday (summer sports) - 2:15pm-3:15pm 

Home Learning Project – Due WC 22rd May (Thursday latest)
PSHE, Science and D&T– Health Eating/Balanced Diets 

This half termly project is Healthy Eating.
The human body needs a balanced diet to work properly. Good health involves drinking enough water and eating the right amount of foods from the different food groups. 

Your task this half term is to design and create a well balanced meal(s) and/or snacks. Create a presentation of the dish(es) you create and justify why different elements are there. For example, you may want to design a breakfast, lunch and dinner which allows you to offer a balance between the food groups/nutrients. 

Please may I remind you that the children should still be logging onto TTRS/numbots for at least 3 x 20-minute sessions each week. I have the log in details if these need to be provided again, please let me know.

Next week 

Maths - Ordering and comparing fractions.

English - We will be continuing our topic on persuasive writing while reading How To Live Forever. 

Science - Plant life cycle. 

Computing - Creating stock motion using onion skinning on iMotion.

PSHE - identify when something feels safe or unsafe take responsibility for keeping myself and others safe.

RE - We will be learning about the story of The Crying Camel. 


 All children will have the same spellings this week. Please teach the spellings with a focus on definition - these words are often muddled by children. The test will not read the spellings out in this order. 

Test Tuesday 9th May 










Have a great Coronation weekend! 

Miss N Davis 


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