Hello all!
On Monday morning the children will be having a science
workshop as it is science week. If any
of you are happy to volunteer on Monday morning to help run the workshop that
would be very helpful. If you are able to help, please email me on ndavis@littleheath.herts.sch.uk
Note: There is no rugby club on Wednesday 13th
Wow- what a week! I know you all had an excellent dinner on
Monday evening with the delicious pizzas that were made in class. The children
made the pizza dough from scratch, kneaded and rolled their dough and added
their toppings. We definitely have natural born chefs in this class (and a
couple of Heston Blumenthals too!)
As if that wasn’t exciting enough we had World Book Day this
week – it was wonderful to see all the different fictional characters in
school. My Year 3 classroom looked like a the Griffindor common room had invited
a few of their friends over. We also read, analysed and discussed our class
book The Journey by Francesca Sanna.
The children have begun to learn the lyrics to the Rock
Bottom songs in class too as the production is fast approaching. It would be
amazing if the children can practise these at home too (a great sing-song for
the car, perhaps?). Below is the link for the lyrics and songs, the songs are
also available to download for free from an Apple Music subscription (if you
have this feature on an apple devise).
Music and
lyrics have been posted on the KS2 Production website. This can be found on www.littleheathks2production.blogspot.com
This Week
Maths – This week we have been using division and
multiplication to help us solve word problems. We were also looking at bar
models and how we can use them to represent and solve problems.
English – This week we have been looking at how to research
a topic and organise our findings into subheadings. The children have begun
their research on their chosen topic.
Science – This week we have been discussing what plants need
to grow. The children have been given a plant and have been given the responsibility
of keeping it alive. The children have had to decide in their groups where they
are placing their plant and how often they will water it.
D&T – We made and cooked our designed pizzas.
PSHE – Mrs Illot has been working with the children to have
them set themselves personal fitness targets. If the children could continue to
do this and fill in their sheet which they brought home. Thank you.
Next Week
Maths – We will be looking at fractions and fractions of amounts.
Pre-learning will help the children as I know fractions can be daunting for
English- The children will continue their research and then
write their report on their chosen animal.
Science- Review plants growth and discuss what we have
History- Learn who Boudicca was and explore different
opinions of her.
D&T- Evaluating the pizza.
Spellings - (Homophones. Please teach the children the
meaning of these words as they will be tested out of order and in context)
Group 1
Group 2
RED NOSE DAY- On Friday it is non-uniform in aid of Red Nose Day. The children are to bring in £1 to wear their own clothes. Little Heath will also be taking place in a dance-a-thon! Year 3 will be dancing in class from 11:30 - 12:00 and with the whole school at 14:15-14:45.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Davis 😀