Hello, hello,
I hope you are all well.
Our zoom calls next week will be on Thursday and the children will have the same groups and times as before. I
will send out the invitation email on Wednesday next week.
To anyone trying the
STEM activities on the Year 3 page on the school website, if you can send me
pictures of the activities you are doing then we can look at putting those on
display when we get back to school to show all the science learning you are
doing at home.
It was lovely to see you
all were very excited for our next project, dinosaurs. Once you have finished
your previous projects please start your dinosaur project. Any finished
projects can be forwarded onto me ndavis@littleheath.herts.sch.uk
Finally, please can you
make sure you are going on Mathletics. Aim for a minimum of 20 minutes per session, 3 times a week.
I hope you all have a
great weekend.
Miss Davis