Hello all!
We have had a week full of learning and the children are starting to get used to the routines of Year 3 life.
Note: The children are very easily distracted. Please do not talk/wave to them through the window at the end of the day as we are still learning. Thank you.
It has come to my attention that a lot of the children are spelling their names (first and surname) incorrectly. Please can you practice this with your children. Thank you.
Smile! Next Friday the children will be having their individual photographs taken. Winter uniform is suggested (but not compulsory) as the children look very smart in this – do not worry if you haven’t bought winter uniform yet or if you would prefer summer uniform.
Geography – Countries of the World
This half termly project is Countries of the World.
I would like you to create something that displays your learning around this topic. Please feel free to be as imaginative as you would like! You could focus on subjects such as continents, countries, capital cities etc. You could explore food, culture, art, songs, sports, inventions, landmarks, wonders of the world etc.
Maths - We are forming, ordering and regrouping 3 digit numbers.
English - We are continuing our fables topic.
Science - In science we will learn about nutrients in our animals including humans topic. .
RE - This year we will learn about Islam and Christianity. We will first look at Islam as a faith.
Geography - We will locate countries on a world map.
The test will be on 20th September
This week everyone has been given the same spellings. I am still assessing the children and other spelling groups will be created soon.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
N Davis