
Hello all! 

The children all looked very smart today for their school photographs. 

It has come to my attention that a lot of the children are spelling their names (first and surname) incorrectly. Please can you practice this with your children. Thank you.

Your PE sessions are: 

Monday 30 mins (trainers only)

Wednesday 1 hour (football) 

Thursday 1 hour (full kit) 

On Wednesdays the children will be playing football on their last lesson. This means that the children should have 2 pairs of shoes – one pair to walk through the school and the other pair to play football in. The children are also encouraged to wear warm clothes (no scarf) as Mr Mills will take them out in all weathers.

Home Learning Project – Due Thursday 20th October (Can be brought in from Monday 17th)

Geography – Countries of the World
This half termly project is Countries of the World.
I would like you to create something that displays your learning around this topic. Please feel free to be as imaginative as you would like! You could focus on subjects such as continents, countries, capital cities etc. You could explore food, culture, art, songs, sports, inventions, landmarks, wonders of the world etc.

Please do not feel this has to be a writing task.

Next Week

Maths - We are ordering and regrouping 3 digit numbers. 

English - We will be rewriting the fable The Ant and The Grasshopper. 

Science - In science we will learn about nutrients in our animals including humans topic. .

RE - Islam. 

Geography - We will locate countries on a world map.

Spanish - Greetings (Hello/names/how are you).

Computing - We will learn what parts make up a digital devise. 


The test will be on 26th September 

This week everyone has been given the same spellings. I am still assessing the children and other spelling groups will be created soon. 











I hope you all have a great weekend. 

N Davis 


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