Week ending 14th February 2025
Hello Year Three,
We had a brilliant visit to Celtic Harmony on Tuesday. Despite the cold temperature we had great fun and learned so much more about living in The Stone Age.
We wrote diary entries about living in The Stone Age. It was clear the children had learned so much more about The Stone Age by experiencing it themselves.
In our maths lessons we have been using rulers and metre sticks to measure. We have learned to measure length using centimetres, millimetres and metres. They can practise this at home.
For English we completed our last piece of writing from 'The Tear Thief.' The children wrote brilliant newspaper reports following the disappearance of the jar of tears from the Year Three classroom. They had to edit these reports themselves, which helps them recognise regular mistakes.
The children enjoyed the activities put on for 'Children's Mental Health Week.' It was officially last week, but as we were very busy we chose to carry out our work this week. We had an afternoon of creativity. There were various activities, such as drawing, collage, clay modelling and pattern making. This was followed by dancing to happy, fun music with scarves. We also listened to two pieces of classical music, one was soft, calm and gentle and the other was loud, fast and strong. The children drew while listening to the music and wrote about how the music made them feel. The drawings reflected the moods of both pieces of music. We talked a lot about crying, why it is so important and healthy, how it helps to release bottled up emotions. We talked about communicating any worries or difficult feelings we may have and how important it is to share worries.
I will give you a brief overview of what we will be covering in the next half term.
Our book is 'Escape from Pompeii.' The work will be generated from this book.
We will continue with length and perimeter for a while
The Romans.
Mosaics and collage.
In the classroom.
I have, you have.
Do you have?
La Familia.
Holy week.
A Hindu creation story.
Healthy Me.
Sad news
I am very sad to say that Mrs Proudlove will be leaving us on 27th February. I know she will be dearly missed, especially by me. She has been a wonderful TA and the children also think the world of her.
I wish you all a great half term holiday and am looking forward to seeing you again on Monday 24th February.
Ms Davis
Mrs Proudlove