
Happy Friday! 

This week in year 3 has flown by. Thank you to all who have returned the parent consultation reply slip, if I could have all of those in ASAP that would be fantastic. I am allocating slots and I will try my very best to accommodate to all of your needs. Should you not be able to attend the allocated slot, let me know via email and I will aim to find another day or time which could accommodate you. 

Thank you to everyone who was able to bring in a food donation for harvest - you have donated to a great cause. 

Polite notice: 
Some of the children have been bringing in pencil toppers in the form of monsters or animals to sit upon their pencil. Unfortunately, this has led to activities such as children fiddling with these during class and now these toppers are ultimately distracting the children from their learning. I hate to be Captain No-fun but I have informed the children that from Monday they will no longer be able to have these in class. 

This week: 
English - We have now finished our script writing and I have been so impressed by the content of work I have seen. We have improvised scenes from familiar stories and written and performed those scripts in pairs. Today we finished up our session with the children writing their very own scripts. I'm really excited to read these.

Maths- Our main focus this week in mathematics has been time. This has been a very abstract concept for the children and we will be revisiting this again. We were looking at understanding calendars, including days, weeks, months, years and telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes on analogue and digital clocks. Again, if you could teach your child at home how to tell the time this would be a great help for when we next revisit this. 

Science - Our focus this week was balanced diets and healthy living. The children enjoyed learning about all the different food groups and what they consist of. Then children then completed an 'eatwell plate' to demonstrate their knowledge of the different food groups. 

(Focus GPC words)
Made                                          Paid            
Taste                                         Again
Brave                                        Wait
Scrape                                      Explain
Waste                                      Complain                                        
Weigh                                      Paint 
Weight                                    Maintain
Eight                                          Remain

Next week’s focus

English – Instruction writing

Maths – Know the properties of 3D shapes; comparing, ordering and understanding place value of 2- and 3-digit numbers; subtracting from 2-digit numbers.

Religious Education – Introduction to Christianity.

Geography – Identify human and physical features in a particular country.

D&T- Designing greeting cards – initial concept.

Science – Diets of animals.

PSHE – Making responsible decisions.

Spanish – How are you and responses.

ICT - Font editing in Word. 

PE- Mr Mills has asked me to remind you all that most of the PE lessons are taking place outside so if you could ensure that the children have appropriate clothing to accommodate for the outside weather. 

I hope you and the children have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you all soon! 

Miss N Davis 

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