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Week ending 11th October 2024

 Hello Year Three, This week we have been learning to add with ones, tens and hundreds. We have been focussing on adding ones across ten. The children are continuing to learn their times tables, but they must learn them at home as well as at school. They have TT Rockstars to work from but also need to find a way of learning them so that they have rapid recall. I have offered a few suggestions, like putting them in random order on the stairs so that each time they step they shout the answer. We have learned many fables and the children have thoroughly enjoyed this English project. They are beginning to come up with their own morals for fables, which is great because next week they will be writing their own. For science we continued to look at food labels and the children are beginning to look for levels of sugar, saturated fat and salt. They know how to look for the nutritional value in the food they eat. In our geography lesson we reflected on whether we would or would not want to live

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